Nola Fable
24x36– Acrylic on Canvas
Original: sold
Print: $20
Nola Fable
This was a really interesting one. The person who ordered this painting was from a family based in New Orleans. They had a family home where the kids room had old custom wall paper that his grandfather had made up a family song describing. So he would sing this song to his children as he pointed to the different images on the wall paper print and the song came down through the family in that way.
The family home was destroyed in Katrina and the family looked for many years for images of the wallpaper and/or a copy of the print to no avail. The commissioner of the painting just had his own daughter and he sings the song to her and wanted to get a painting based on the song.
So, basically, this was a visual representation of the game telephone I took the song and best tried to represent its elements in a visual format. His daughter loves it and apparently an image made it's way back to his family and they all approved.